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Dev Menu

Dev Menu

The Dev Menu is a debug menu included with RSDKv5, disabled by default. The menu includes several features useful for debugging games in the engine. When the Dev Menu is enabled, other developer features are accessible as well.


The Dev Menu can be enabled by adding the line devMenu=y under the Game category of the engine's settings.ini file, like so:

; Retro Engine Config File

devMenu=y ; (1)!

  1. The setting names in settings.ini are case-sensitive; the Dev Menu setting will not apply if the capitalization is incorrect.

Alternatively, running the game in Data Folder Mode will automatically enable the Dev Menu.


The entirety of the Dev Menu is removed in Sonic Origins; as such, it's not possible to enable it normally. However, you can use the OriginsDevMode mod to restore it. Read the mod's description for more information and known issues.

Debug Controls


Key Command
Esc Opens/closes the Dev Menu.
Backspace While held down, speeds up the game to 8x speed.
F12 / Pause Toggles step-over mode.
F11 / Ins If in step-over mode, steps over to the next frame.

Decomp Only

Key Command
F1 Loads the previous scene in the scene list. If pressed in the first scene, it will load the last one.
F2 Loads the next scene in the scene list. If pressed in the last scene, it will load the first one.
F4 Toggles displaying object info for visible entities. Not available in v5U's Legacy Modes.
F5 Reloads the current scene. Holding Ctrl while pressing this will also reload all active mods.
F6 Decrements the screen count by 1.
F7 Increments the screen count by 1.
F8 Toggles visualizing update ranges for visible entities. Not available in v5U's Legacy Modes.
F9 Toggles visualizing active hitboxes.
F10 Toggles displaying the currently loaded palettes.

You can open the Dev Menu at any time in-game by pressing Esc. In the RSDKv5(U) Decompilation, you can also tap/click the top left corner of the screen.

TODO: explain each submenu

Other Effects

When the Dev Menu is enabled, SceneInfo->debugMode is set to true upon engine initialization.