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RSDKv4 Variables


Variable Description
temp0-7 Temporary values used to store values during arithmetic or other similar operations.
checkResult A value that some functions set as the resulting value. Can be used with all sorts of arithmetic.
arrayPos0-7 Used to store an array of data.
global Can be used to use global variables as an array (Ex. global[arrayPos0] = 0).
local Can be used to use local variables as an array (Ex. local[arrayPos0] = 0).


Variable Description
object.entityPos The object's entity slot in a scene's entity list.
object.groupID The object's groupType. By default, it is set to an object's type, but can be set to a custom one. (Ex. GROUP_PLAYERS = 0x100)
object.type The object's type. (Ex. an object with a type of 0 would be a Blank Object.)
object.propertyValue The object's subType. Its purpose generally differs from object to object.
object.x/ypos The object's x/ypos in a scene. Position is based in world-space, which in RSDK is 0x10000 (65535), which is 1.0
object.ix/iypos The object's ix/iypos in a scene. iPosition is based in screen-space, which is truncated from x/ypos (1 == 1).
object.x/yvel The object's x/yvel on the x and y axis. Velocity is based in world-space.
object.speed The object's general speed in world-space.
object.state The object's state. Similar to propertyValue, its prupose differs for each object.


Variable Description
stage.state The current processing state of the stage.
stage.activeList The active stage list. Ranges from Presentation, Regular, Special, and Bonus Stages.
stage.listPos The position of a stage in a stage list.
stage.timeEnabled Handles the stage's time. When enabled, the engine will automatically start a timer, and sets the time to stage.milliSeconds/seconds/minutes.
stage.milliSeconds The stage's milliSecond count.
stage.minutes The stage's minute count.
stage.seconds The stage's second count.
stage.actNum The number of the current act. (Ex. stage.actNum = 1 -> Act1)
stage.pausedEnabled If enabled, this allows the engine to do a Genesis type pause by pressing the Start button.
stage.listSize The size of the current stage list.
stage.newX/YBoundary1/2 The boundaries for the stage camera. Used to set new camera boundaries during gameplay.
stage.curX/YBoundary1/2 The boundaries for the stage camera. The camera will never go past these boundaries.
stage.deformationData0/1/2/3 Values used to store stage deformation. 0/1 is for the foreground (0 for above water, 1 for underwater), and 2/3 are for the background (2 for above water, and 3 for underwater).
stage.waterLevel The stage's current water level.
stage.activeLayer[index] Gets an active layer based on index and is able to be set to another tile layer. (Ex. stage.activeLayer[0] = 5 would set the background layer to the fifth tile layer.)
stage.midPoint The stage's mid point. If any active drawing layers come after this, tiles will be able to render on the high layer.
stage.playerListPos The position of the selected Player on the player list.
stage.debugMode Determines whether Debug Mode is active or not.
stage.entityPos The entity last loaded by the stage.


Variable Description
screen.cameraEnabled Determines if the camera is disabled or not.
screen.cameraTarget Gets the entity pos of an object and sets the camera to follow it. (Ex. screen.cameraTarget = SLOT_PLAYER1 (0))
screen.cameraStyle How the camera should track its target.
screen.cameraX The xpos of the camera in screen-space.
screen.cameraY The ypos of the camera in screen-space.
screen.drawListSize How many entities are being drawn on screen at once.
screen.xcenter The xcenter of the screen. By default, this value is 212.
screen.ycenter The ycenter of the screen. By default, this value is 120, but cannot be normally changed.
screen.xsize The xsize of the screen. By default, this value is 424.
screen.ysize The ysize of the screen. By default, this value is 240, but cannot be normally changed.
screen.xoffset The xoffset of the screen, relative to the very beginning of the scene.
screen.yoffset The yoffset of the screen, relative to the very beginning of the scene.
screen.shakeX If more than 0, this will horizontally shake the screen. The aggression of the shaking will depend on the value set.
screen.shakeY If more than 0, this will vertically shake the screen. The aggression of the shaking will depend on the value set.
screen.adjustCameraY The amount the camera should vertically adjust.


Variable Description
music.volume The current volume for the music. Not the same as 'engine.bgmVolume', which is combined with this to get the final output volume.
music.currentTrack The ID of the music track that's currently playing.
music.position The position (by sample) of the currently playing track.


Variable Description
keyDown/keyPress.[X] General inputs for controllers. keyDown is true if a button/key is held, while keyPress is true if a button/key was pressed on a frame.
Variable Description
menu1/2.selection The current row, as selected by MENU_1 and MENU_2.

Tile Layer


Variable Description
scene3D.vertexCount The amount of active vertices in each buffer respectively (max of 4096 vertices).
scene3D.faceCount The amount of active faces in each buffer respectively (max of 1024 faces).
scene3D.projectionX The width of the Scene3D draw buffer. By default, this value is 136.
scene3D.projectionY The height of the Scene3D draw buffer. By default, this value is 160.
scene3D.fogColor The color of the fog in an RGB format.
scene3D.fogStrength The strength of the fog. Fog strength has a max of 255.
faceBuffer.a/b/c/d The vertice indices to use to control a face's drawing.
faceBuffer.flag The active drawing flag for a face.
faceBuffer.color The color to draw the face when drawing with either FACE_FLAG_COLOURED_2D or FACE_FLAG_COLOURED_3D.
vertexBuffer.x/y/z/u/v The vertex coordinates for a specified vertex.


Variable Description
saveRAM[index] Capable of saving data to the array of index, using the Read/WriteSaveRAM() functions.
engine.state The engine's current processing state.
engine.language The active language the engine is using.
engine.onlineActive Gets the engine's state with online connectivity.
engine.sfxVolume The engine's master sound effect output volume. Ranges from 0-100.
engine.bgmVolume The engine's master music volume output. Ranges from 0-100. Combined with 'music.volume' to get the final output volume.
engine.trialMode Used in a trial version of a game to handle certain events differently.



Variable Description
engine.hapticsEnabled Determines if haptic effects are enabled or not. Will only have effect is RETRO_USE_HAPTICS if enabled.