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Checks for collision of an object with another, using the hitbox values passed.



Type of collision with the object. Can be C_TOUCH, C_SOLID, C_SOLID2, or C_PLATFORM.


The source of the collision.

thisLeft / thisTop / thisRight / thisBottom

The values for the object's hitbox.


The object to check for collision with.

otherLeft / otherTop / otherRight / otherBottom

The values for the target's hitbox.

Return Value

If there wasn't any collision, checkResult will be false. Depending on the collisionType used: - C_TOUCH: checkResult will return true with any type of collision. - C_SOLID/C_SOLID2: checkResult will return values 1 (Floor), 2 (LWall), 3 (RWall) or 4 (Roof) depending on the side of the object collided with. - C_PLATFORM: checkResult will only be true if the top of the object was collided with.


BoxCollisionTest(int collisionType, int thisObject, int thisLeft, int thisTop, int thisRight, int thisBottom, int otherObject, int otherLeft, int otherTop, int otherRight, int otherBottom)


BoxCollisionTest(C_TOUCH, object.entityPos, -24, -8, 24, 8, object[0].entityPos, C_BOX, C_BOX, C_BOX, C_BOX)