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Checks for collision of an object with the player, using the hitbox values passed.



Type of collision with the object, can be C_TOUCH, C_BOX, C_BOX2 or C_PLATFORM. In Origins Plus, C_BOX3 and C_ENEMY are available as well.

Left / Top / Right / Bottom

The values for the object's hitbox.

Return Value

If there wasn't any collision, CheckResult will be false. Depending on the CollisionType used: - C_TOUCH/C_ENEMY: CheckResult will return true with any type of collision - C_BOX/C_BOX2/C_BOX3 : CheckResult will return values 1 (Floor), 2 (LWall), 3 (RWall) or 4 (Roof) depending on the side of the object collided with. - C_PLATFORM: CheckResult will only be true if the top of the object was collided with.


PlayerObjectCollision(int CollisionType, int Left, int Top, int Right, int Bottom)


PlayerObjectCollision(C_PLATFORM, -24, -8, 24, 8)